Is anyone else having this same problem? I have completed the quest, still no idea how to get this dope ship. Anyone explain? Bungie? ANYONE!?
I haven't gotten the ship either and I have completed the taken king story line 5 times, like each with new characters
it says complete ttk quest,lots still dont have it
I think this probably drops by activating something/ finding a secret area, possibly on the Dreadnaught rather than dropping for completing the story missions. The emblem 'Silent Scream' also has the same description as a 'The Taken King Quest Reward' but is actually rewarded when you access and defeat a Knight in a hidden area within the Dreadnaught.
Bungie take note. The ship is not dropping.
What quest is it?
Yeah I'm not getting it either bunjie please fix this messed up problem
Which quest exactly?