Lol, what's so wrong with colonizing new places with fresh resources. Instead you stock around a dead relic hoping it'll wake up and make everything better.
Nothing wrong with it, it's just cowardly to flee when you're being attacked. Not have a home just run away and hope you can hide.
You just called soldiers that fought for your nation cowards, you sick duck.
Lol what? Dead orbit aren't soldiers. They're survivors. Deserters. Plus, guys who go to war, see that there is resistance, and flee to save their own arses are absolutely cowards. You stay and fight until you win or lose. You don't run away because it ensures your own survival. That's not team play, bro.
What's left here nothing are planet is slowly being destroyed and anyways we leave earth the grimore cards from pardox provide the evidence a ghost wandered threw. Vex Time portal and saw the vex attack earth and the city and all of the factions and people bailed while gurdians fought
[b]fleeing[/b]... [i]cowardly[/i]... We're down to one city after previously occupying half the solar system. Dead Orbit is using its fleet to scavenge golden age relics while the other factions want to hold out for a few more centuries. We're intercepting transmissions made out to Cabal Emperors while New Monarchy figures out ways to overpower the consensus and future war cult experiments on people and guardians. Its OK though, its the life of one who knows when they're stuck in a Dead Orbit.