Actually no it dose not the vendor bought hung jury with the right perk on also has max stability I also have both I compared them if if there is I couldn't see it
Hm I guess my tuonela has different rolls than yours then, for me when I compare the tuonela has better stability
it could be the sight. those can have a pretty significant effect on the secondary stats. (range, stability and reload.) also, best way to check, without perks, is the armory. or planet destiny database. you can compare there. having done just that, it looks like hung jury has 6 less base stability, 10 more range and 13 more reload. given that is without a sight or any perks. but my guess is that the stability can be maxed with the proper perks. really the biggest advantage the Hung Juty has over the Tuonela is the ammo. tuonela is stuck at 17 MAX and will only have 13 unless you have an ammo perk on it. and the vendor Hung Jury has 16, and the gun CAN get a roll with up to 21 rounds. and that is almost double the amount of ammo the Tuoonela has. having said that... I REALLY like my Tuonela. :) it has Rescue Mag, choice of hand laid stock or snapshot (I go HLS) and choice of firefly (pve) or Danger Close (pvp). it is awesome. :) would love to get my hands on a Hung Jury though to really make a good comparison in how they handle.