"200 a pill."
"Thanks, now...." [b]faith fires at them with her Gatling arm[/b] "Die like the scum you are!"
[b] One junkie throws up a kinetic wall, showing he's a Psion.[/b] "That's a pretty stupid war cry." [b] The other two shoot at her with pistols.[/b]
"It was in the fly..." [b]faith unfolds her claws, they are gripping her scythe as she uses her right hand to fire at them with the watcher[/b]
[b] One goes down with a bullet to the throat, as another ducks behind a trash can, and the Psion launches 3 fireballs at Faith.[/b]
[b]faith dodges them, one of them goes by her face and burns some of her hair, she runs at the psion and slashes at him with her scythe[/b]
[b] He TK blasts the scythe from her hands, sending into the alley wall and burying it there. He pulls out a Bowie knife and slashes at her face, while the other dealer shoots her in the arm.[/b]
[b]faith quickly moves so that the bullet grazes her but the knife cuts a long gash into her face, she then fires at the psion at point blank rage with her Gatling arm[/b]
[b] The bullets blast into the Psions chest, almost ripping him to shreds and spraying blood on the alley wall. You hear the click of an empty pistol as the last dealer charges you with a knife[/b]
[b]faith fires at him with the watcher, aiming for his legs and heart[/b]
[b] He drops dead.[/b]
[b]faith sighs and tears a piece of a shirt off of the psion, she uses it to soak up the blood from her face. She then loots them of their KAP-8, guns, bullets, and credits[/b]
[b] There is 7,000 credits total, 15 Kap pills, the two pistols and three mags of ammo.[/b]
[b]faith smiles and leaves the area, grappling up to the buildings and going from there[/b]