[spoiler] even stubborn men get hurt.[/spoiler]
[b] They all look at him and recognize him as the man who's been killing their friends, as they all pull out pistols and open fire.[/b]
We duck behind cover, and I pull my sniper and hit one in the head, and the soldier opens fire, hitting two in the chest
[b] They drop dead, as the last two throw TK knives at JT, and one TK slams the soldier head first into the ground, snapping his neck.[/b]
I hide behind cover, pull my pistol, and shoot the knives, and the last two in the chest, two shots each.
[b] They both drop dead.[/b]
I search the corpses for credits and drugs, take the guns, and put them in a duffel bag
[b] there's 1,000 credits, and 10 Kap.[/b]
I take it, walk to the fallen soldier, and close his eyes before leaving.