Yeah 8/10 times I'll run with Lance/annihilate/bloom just because I can nova bomb faster and more precisely, but still deliver a fatal blow when bloom/annihilate activate. Vortex is great for control too though... Gamertags rarely get me salty these days, but I guess any KSI member I have a personal vendetta against.. Those guys were assholes to me in the halo 2 days.
Oh it's not even that I get salty, I just see them and go "really kid? do you honestly think you're cool?" and proceed to tbag the hell out of them.
Haha yeah I hear you.. I guess I'm like that as well. Or even if someone has something stupid like, 'GodlySnipes' in their name I make sure to snipe them constantly and tbag in place until their ghost is tired of the show.
Oh it's hysterical when I see someone with MLG in their name and then they get owned.