Hey guys, I know it tough to level up your guardian and getting those Exotic Engrams, but I found a New Way of Farming for Exotic Engram after Bungies update. This new method of Exotic Engram farming puts the Three of Coins to good use. Take a look at the video that I made to help you get more Exotic Engrams cause I know how tough it is to get them.
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Otuz2qXsjw
Edit: Thanks for the great feedback am happy some of you are getting gear you wanted.
I want to point out that this method is very luck and RNG based. You might easily end up with 10 coins used (5 each on two chars) and get nothing from it. My observations are that using the coins while normally playing the strikes is a much better aproach. Mainly bcoz: - You are stacking the chance of a drop on one char instead of two. Saves ToC coins - You can get a bunch of blue and legendary engrams on top of a chance for boss special loot. Also it is nowhere mentioned if the STACKABLE effect of not successfull ToC use stack after you relog. The buff itself stays, but Iam not sure about the hidden buff that increases the chances of a drop the next time you use the ToC. It very well can reset and in the end you waste the coins...