She sees multiple men on beds with broken arms, ribs, legs, a little bit of everything. The smile and say "Hi". It seemed like they weren't shy, they weren't ashamed, they were friendly and open.
[b]she motions python over[/b]
He walks over, fist bumping a soldier on the way over.
"Do you have any dextro blood here?"
He nods. "I'll get a doctor, pick a bed." He walks off.
[b]she sits in a bed[/b]
He walks back with a doctor holding a bag of Dextro blood. "This is Doctor Franks." He pats the doctor on the back and walks towards his room.
[b]she sits silently[/b]
The doctor starts to work. "So, what happened?"
"Got shot in the leg"
She nods. "Ah, happens a lot around here." She points to a guy across the room. "He got hit in the neck. Barely made it out alive. We stabilized him though." Doctor Franks begins repairing your wound. She looks for an exit wound.
[b]it's in the other side of her leg.[/b] "I trust you've worked with turians before?"
"Two or Three." She starts sewing up the wound.
Edited by Kain The Slain: 10/11/2015 2:27:31 AM"Alright" [b]she remains silent[/b]
She wraps it up with medical tape and gauss pads. "That should do it."