[b]He comes toward the ship and bumps into the window
It's Fin [/b]
*walks away and leaves a note*
[b]Reads note[/b]
[i]When you want to talk meet me in the hangar[/i]
[b]Pulls out a grenade then lights it and the explosion propels him into the hangar[/b]
*you get caught in metal threads as you enter and end up completely cocooned by them* Well I guess my wires worked
"Lethal you bastard let me go"
Not my fault you pulled on the threads *theres a reeling sound as your rolled over several times and dropped on the ground*
"This is fun and all but could it talk other old friends'
...well the reason I told to meet me here is because of that *points to a forge and reels all the wires into my sleeve* I can make you a new weapon if you want
"nah, I got my potatoes and golf club"
Let me see your golf club *cracks my knuckles*
[b]Hands it to you[/b] "Just don't change it too much"
I'll harden the material and add small spikes making it wiser to break bones,armor and glass *walks over to the forge and prepares it then walks over to a barrel and opens it revealing there's oil in it*
"Could you put a flamethrower on the end"
Hmm... *looks at the club* If I have an elemental crystal then yes I can
"Do you?"
Let's see *walks around the supplies near my forge and pulls a crystal out of a box* This is a...yup this is what I want
*places the club in the forge* This'll take awhile
"OK I can wait it's not like I can get any younger"
Edited by Forlorn Crow: 10/11/2015 11:08:05 AMGood *waits 10 minutes before taking the club out and adding several small spikes then lowers it into the oil*