originally posted in:The Roleplay League
[i]She walks, and walks, the great Wall near her. It old, weakened, but still too strong. She looked, and saw, hole and hole. She laughed and walked, breaking it though. She walked through, looks around, and sees the great city, it's machine god above it. She jumps down and sings, and the hole breaks more, It stuck in that state as she walls forward[/i]
*in hive dialect*
Heheheh, welcome to death
*some hive acolytes and knights start to go through the hole, the knights all having arc shields*
[b]It's getting quite dark in here.[/b] "Then Turn Back."
*you see eyes and a dark drinker. A hand Grabs the ghost and starts crushing it in the darkness*
[b]That's an extreme amount of pressure there.[/b]
*it's continues crushing it*
[b]Prepare the second shell.[/b] "Already done. Just blasting the cavern to make it bigger so i can squeeze through..."
*the hand pulls the shell apart and Grabs the inner core, trying to crush it*
A wisp of smoke comes from the core and drifts off.
*a hive scream is heard *
"You back yet?" [b]No. I'm still being crushed against my will in the depths of the Earth.[/b]
*it continues*
"Someone's having a fun time."
*the thing takes the dark drinker and stabs it into the core of the ghost*
*it continues*
[b]What now?[/b]
*it continues, trying to destroy the ghost*
[b]Okay. You had your fun.[/b] A white wisp ejects from the ghost and drifts through the hole in which it came from.
*the scream is heard again*
The spare ghost shell whirred to liife [b]I'm back.[/b] "Good. I'm gonna take a nap. Wake me up in... an hour."
*you hear hive feet pattering the ground*
Edited by Flamyng, Singer of Flames: 10/12/2015 9:13:28 PM*hive pass your body while you sleep*
[b]Now would be a very nice time to wake up.[/b]
*a thrall notices the guardian, walks up to it, and proceeds to try to eat her/him* (Never caught the gender)
[spoiler]Her[/spoiler] [b]Yeah,... No.[/b] The ghost proceeded to shock her. And.... kicked the the thrall "I said an hour! Not 10 minutes!"