Looking for 4 players to take through King's Fall
We will go through each section and explain it.
Only requirement is a decent sniper and light level (275 and above)
Xbox One
GT: StealthAnt
I have 3 that really are looking for someone to help. So far we've gotten alot of rude people, just cause we don't know what we doing. I've posted it clear as day on forum that we are inexperienced, they join, play for a bit and get angry cause we LEARNING!! please help message goatdaddy420 THANKS IN ADVANCE
P.s we hobbled up to warpriest so far lol
Edited by Queen of Venom: 10/11/2015 3:07:08 AM295 Titan and have sniper Invite GT: Queen of Venom
Invite Plz if fresh run, GT: TheZebraCake
Edited by MANNGiNAAA: 10/11/2015 3:04:22 AMLooking for advice! Psn MANNGiNAAA Please invite me
Invite me Gt parkourgen16