Then how come i keep seen last words all over crucible????? Move on pvp players The Last Word was a yr 1 wpn! Leave it in the vault and use the raid hand cannon!!!!!!
Woah, look at the date firstly, posted a while ago. Secondly, READ MY POST AGAIN, CLEARLY. Regular crucible has no level advantage. So... A 170 weapon is fine for regular crucible, however won't be useful in the modes I've already mentioned -.-
All i read was the MOVE ON which seems the only thing plp say to yr1 players!!!!! So i say again.... MOVE ON pvp players!!!! Stop using yr1 wps
I'm a year 1 player. I'll use year 1 gear always for regular crucible, unless better weapons come out. ALSO The Last Word is being used a lot because there is an exotic quest line tied to using the weapon -.-
[quote]I'm a year 1 player. I'll use year 1 gear always for regular crucible, unless better weapons come out.[/quote] So, Crucible players (15-20% of players) get to keep playing [i]exactly how they want[/i], yet PvE players (80-85% of players) should be forced to play how they're [i]told[/i]? Do you honestly not see how shitty and illogical that is?
REGULAR CRUCIBLE. PLEASE READ. Players can only use year 1 gear effectively with level advantages disables. For ToO and IB, you must use year 2 weapons/gear or your not going to have a bad time. You do realise you can still use year 1 gear well into high 30's. Year 2 gear is only really needed, I'd say level 38 and above for all activities. What I said wasn't illogical at all. Why use year 2 weapons when I have even better year 1 weapons that will help me win in regular crucible with level advantages disabled?
Your choice to continue using them where they're effective isn't the issue; that makes total sense, obviously. :P Yes, I understand that, as the game [i]currently[/i] stands, I'm FORCED to move on to new gear for endgame activities. What I'm saying is that you're not giving a reason why I should [i]have to[/i]- I.e., why my old gear is capped at 170 to begin with! If gear is balanced enough for PvP in every other scenario, why not Trials and IB? And, given that PvE is [i]cooperative[/i], and unneffected by the negative aspects of "OP" gear in the first place, there is ZERO reason to limit gear choices for the sake of "balance" in Story-based endgame, either. ESPECIALLY considering that 2.0 nerfed the crap out of most of the OP PvE-oriented gear (like Ghorn).
It's because year 1 weapons trump the new with perks and the way they handle. If the allowed them to level up in year 2, it would be HoW all over again. No one would use any new guns and keep sticking with the old. My guess is Bungie thought it would be easier just capping them at year instead of trying to balance them, cause they wouldn't be balanced if brought to year 2.
Ujum!!!!! Or is it because its a great yr1 wpn????
Quest line. It's not as good as it's used to be, but still good. Also, it is now technically a year 2 weapon.
It's a yr 1 brought to be a yr 2 wich is exactly my point!!! And more yhan true that even as good as it is it's not a even a shadow of its former self!!!! Why???? Because of NEEEERRRFFF cries!!!! I'm horrible in pvp and im really sorry for the teams that get stuck with me when i go and get my daily marks!! Bu when i did went to crucible to actually play i wasn't asking for nerf when a lvl 9 one shot me with a party crasher "shot package", i went and took my lvl 34 ass and got my own shotty with the perk and got his ass if it was the only guy i kill during the entire match!!!!!
So forgive me if i don't get the whole nerf and lvl the playing field stuff!! Really forgive me. I say this because in the military the way we lvl the playing field us by getting better wpns than the enemy, same at work plp find a way to have an edge over other plp to get ahead!!
Year 1 weapons are still better weapons than any year 2. Only problem is, they can't be leveled now. Also, good job of your in the military. Hopefully you work on your grammar and punctuation though too!
Really?????? I wasn't aware it was a grammar contest!!!! Lol Don't mind me i just got out of a 8 to 4 shift!!!!
Normally I don't care and I stuff mine up at times. But wow! That's only 8 hours... Pretty normal when you work 40 hour weeks.
Yeah well, I've been doing double shifts since Wednesday and today is the first 8hr one so im pretty messed up at this point!!! But its all good!!!