So, I was just wandering around the tower, occasionally browsing vendors' stock when I stopped dead, turned around and walked back to Shaxx again.
"Hivebane, [laughs] I like it!"
I remembered that this title had been given to one of my characters as part of that legend of you thing.
It got me thinking, why isn't there something like this for the factions?
Why is it that Executor Hideo, Arach Jalaal, and Lakshmi-2 greet a rank 45 Guardian the same as a rank 2?
Why don't they acknowledge the fact that I arrived in their faction's ship, display their faction's emblem, don their faction's armor, or even the fact that I'm waving their faction's Exotic butt-cape in front of their face!? (not literally on the last part, but you get my point, yeah?)
I think they should make some little remarks or straight out give your Guardian a title for reaching a certain rank with FWC, Dead Orbit, or New Monarchy. Especially when you're sitting pretty at rank 40+.
What about you all? Would you like this added in? Or something similar?
Bump this!