I think it'd be cool if we had an all pink shader for October. What do you think guardians?
Edit: It was just an idea of mine, so I posted it. A lot of people are saying, "What about other diseases?" It isn't that I don't care about any other issues, I just thought it would be nice just because it's October.
Edit 2: Also, I didn't mean you'd have to make a donation for it, I meant that you'd receive it for free, just to raise awareness.
Edit 3: There are mixed opinions about this. Someone gave the idea of having shader for all cancer. But that leaves other diseases out. I wasn't suggesting that It should be implemented. It was just an idea to create discussion.
I don't mean to sound like an insensitive prick because I get how horrible cancer is and I have experienced how it affects family and how it affects everyone not just the person inflicted with it and I believe we should donate money and try to find a cure for this. That being said, it doesn't need to be inserted into everything there are already numerous walks, the NFL does their pink gloves, ribbons you can buy, those are just a few examples as I won't list them all, I get people want to show their support for the cause but if something is overdone then it loses its meaning and people stop caring cause they are getting bombarded by it. It is kind of like having Christmas decorations being put up in October by the time Christmas comes around you could care less. By all means support them, I myself give a check yearly, but it doesn't need to infiltrate everything.