Your choice to continue using them where they're effective isn't the issue; that makes total sense, obviously. :P
Yes, I understand that, as the game [i]currently[/i] stands, I'm FORCED to move on to new gear for endgame activities. What I'm saying is that you're not giving a reason why I should [i]have to[/i]- I.e., why my old gear is capped at 170 to begin with!
If gear is balanced enough for PvP in every other scenario, why not Trials and IB?
And, given that PvE is [i]cooperative[/i], and unneffected by the negative aspects of "OP" gear in the first place, there is ZERO reason to limit gear choices for the sake of "balance" in Story-based endgame, either. ESPECIALLY considering that 2.0 nerfed the crap out of most of the OP PvE-oriented gear (like Ghorn).
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