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10/10/2015 6:34:21 PM

Destiny Crucible Bullshit

So I am trying to get the renown in crucible piece for the chaperone quest. This quest is basically impossible because it requires that you get a 2.0 KD with only head shots with the last word and using abilities. Also winning a game helps, not much. So the trouble I find is that there are so many bull shit over powered weapons from the first year killing me when I have much higher tier gear. These range from sniping shotguns to 100% accuracy and what seem to be tracking pulse/scout rifles. I don't know about anybody else, but I think that these unbalanced weapons from the first year should have reduced damage in the crucible, so that to be able to play the new crucible, you must have new things. Instead of relying on old over powered weapons to get kills. Good examples are the matador, party crasher, Felwinter's sniper, stranger's rifle year 1, and many more. Also I think that when I teleport with blink, aim assist should not track my character for the enemies. Also when blinking there is a delay in which people can still shoot your previous position and it will still kill you. I think that year one weapons should suffer some kind of penalty in the crucible and that blink should do what it says and not have a deadly delay.

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  • In order for me to get past this point of the quest, I had to completely change my play style. I was always first in trying to capture zones and didn't care what my K/D was. I'll tell you how I got past this part. I always had TLW equipped as my primary, and I played in control to progress. First, I equipped depending on the map a shotgun or sniper as my secondary, and usually went with a LMG as heavy over rockets (I seem to kill myself too often with rockets). Secondly, I would pick a zone in control to camp or hover around. When we first spawned I would follow the majority of my teammates and as the flow of the game was established I picked my zone that would be out of the dogfight but still had some action. After every kill or so if I sensed danger I would simply run away to where my teammates were, because kill streaks are the most important thing to progress quickly. Also, assists do help. Don't worry if you don't always get a kill. I didn't like to camp for heavy ammo though. If it looked like I was going to die trying to get it I just went without it and hung back for a while. But if I did get it, I usually waited a minute or so after rockets stopped flying to use it. I played as a warlock with storm trance, so whenever my super was ready I would camp my zone like normal, and whenever someone would come by, I did my super, zapped them, then proceeded to attempt to fry the whole team. It is worth noting that you should really keep track of your kill streak because if you are at 4, really try and get to 5 before you die. I'm not sure the percentage increase of a 5 kill streak but it's considerable. If you do decide to start camping zones, the only time you should have a sniper as a secondary is as the game is just beginning. In general I recommend sticking with a shotgun unless you are adept at getting kills with a sniper. In conclusion, really play defensively and play like a tactician. If you get a kill and see trouble coming, don't be afraid to throw a grenade and high-tail it out of there. If you are playing on a map that you hate, leave before the match really begins. Don't die twice and then leave. Every percent counts in this quest. I personally never hip fired and always aimed for the upper body, because usually the recoil would land my last hit on the head (hopefully at least). Head shots definitely do help and if you can get them, aim there, but don't aim just for the head. Kills and kill streaks will get you there just fine. TL;DR Play defensively and smart. Camp a zone in control and when you get kills, don't be afraid to run away if necessary. Stay near teammates if possible while moving and really try and keep track of your kills and how far you are away from a 5 kill streak.

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