"Hmm. Well if you must know, it wasnt manufactured or forged."
-nods intrigued- "Sounds exotic, please do tell"
"You wanna tell me your name first?"
"Curze, Konrad Excelsior Curze, parkour expert and master card sharp" -holds out hand to shake-
[b] He shakes his hand.[/b] "Lance May. And as for my sword, it flashed out of thin air."
-grins- "How [u]very[/u] intriguing"
[b] He half smiles.[/b] "Yeah. It was an adventure to say the least. What are you doing in Cedyetica?"
"New in town, here on business"
"Hmm. Well, hope that goes well." [b] Lance turns to walk out.[/b]
-nods- "Thanks"
[b] He walks out. [/b] ((End))