I'm a 301 hunter I have completed the raid 7 times I'm looking to help others learn the raid message me doingurwaffles3
Sorry u guys ended up having to go to work if yall still need help message me for inv doingurwaffles3
Are you still getting a team together? I'm a 292 titan, first time on ttk raid. Thanks
Yea message me
295 Def Titan looking for fresh raid if you are able to help. Have mic and watched videos so I'm familiar(ish)
297 Hunter I'm planning on raid with some people I've met on this, most know the tactics but haven't done it. Any chance you could help? Probably starting with in 2 hours GT:KhoRRo9
Hi i dont have a mic
Ps4? Invite Walka-50 299 Warlock, never ran it before
Sorry Xbox one