He recognizes the woman, Scout. She helped them out forever ago and sort of dropped of the map.
"We will send a squadron of Dread to the ship tonight."
Scout? What's she got to gain from this? [b]He waits for them to continue on[/b]
Iter Mantis steps out of the room with the Dread officials as Scout checks her completely robotic arm.
[b]Phantom drops out of the vents and into Scout He presses his palm against her neck, and a jolt of electricity is released, knocking her out [/b] I'll deal with you later. [b]He moves toward the Data Terminal[/b]
She lays unconscious and unmoving.
[b]He extends his left arm with some trouble, and his palm flickers with light A HoloScreen blinks into existence, and data starts to move across it[/b] Let's see what you are planning, Iter.
You invasion plans of Earth, Mars, Venus and....the Axion. They were going to turn it into a mobile base of operations.
Not on my watch... [b]A irregularity appears in the data stream[/b] Wait... [b]He activates it, and breaks the wall of code masking it[/b] No.... [b]It shows plans for the Waro that will allow the Dread through[/b] They'll raze the entire System...
The plans go into deep detail, giving material, locations and dates.
I gotta warn them....
The door sounds as if it's about to open.
[b]He activates his cloak and moves toward a dark corner[/b]
Iter Mantis steps in, seeing unconscious Scout. "Phantom, I know you're in here."
[b]He remains silent, deciding on whether to attack him or leave[/b]
Iter stares directly at the corner you're in. "Now, you can come out or you can be destroyed. It's up to you." After a few seconds, a Dread commander walks in. "Sir, we should get you out of here." He nods and follows the commander out.
[b]The door slams shut before Iter exits[/b] [b]Phantom uncloaks[/b] Heh. Time to pay you back. [b]A hard light blade on his gauntlet[/b]
Iter eyes Phantom as the Dread commander flies through the door, tackling Phantom to the ground.
[b]Phantom rolls and throws the Dread Commander into a wall[/b] Heh. Won't work twice.
As the Dread Commanders fight you, a loud burst of static breaks through your head. A familiar feeling... But from an unfamiliar source. [b]GENESIS_COMMS:[/b] Erm...*static*... Hey, it's Ginger. I kinda bootlegged Murph's Genesis comms so I could hear what you guys were talking about...*static...* Anyways, if you need help, just say so. If you don't... Well, I'll be listening to you breathing.
"His friend will." Before you can react, another Dread grabs you by the neck and slams you into a wall.
Oooffff! [b]Phantom grabs the Dread's arm, and activates his Jump Jets, twists it off before throwing him into Iter[/b]
The Dread digs it's arm into the wall, stopping before it hits Iter. Iter pulls a tranquilizer gun and shoots you in the back.
[b]The Dart hits[/b] Aarrghh! [b]He stumbles for a second[/b] It'll take more than that to put me to sleep. [b]His Hard Light Blades form and he charges at Iter[/b]
The Dread shoulder charges you from the side and holds you down. Iter reloads the tranquilizer gun.
[i]Overclock Active[/i] [b]Phantom grabs the Dread's neck, and crushes it before flinging him away[/b] Not... So easy this time. [b]He gets up slowly, and starts walking towards Iter[/b]
Iter unloads the tranquilizer gun into you as the other Dread pulls his sword and stops you.