[b]vaaxius goes into her ship and grabs some blankets along with a pillow, she then changes into a shirt that fits her four arms and comfortable pants[/b]
[b]Sola waits outside, examining the ship.[/b]
[b]the ship has some minor damage to the hull but the real damage is in the engine, vaaxius walks out in the causal clothes and has some blankets in her hands[/b]
[b]She looks at Vaaxius[/b] "Ready?"
[b]She looks at Vaaxius[/b] "Ready?"
"Yup, lead the way.."
[b]She holds her hand and walks down a hall.[/b]
[b]vaaxius follows her while checking the HUD that is displayed by her eyes[/b]
"And...here." [b]She opens a door to a small room[/b] "Sorry if it's too small..."
Edited by Inquisitor Vaax: 10/11/2015 8:02:06 PM"It's fine, the inside of my skiff is cramped too, most of the space is taken up by supplies that I need.."
"I came in an ammo crate." [b]She giggles[/b]
"Wow, how did the crew react when they found you?"
"Calmly. To my surprise."
"That's strange...." [b]vaaxius looks for any sort of place to put her stuff down[/b]
[b]Sola moves some of her stuff aside, giving her room.[/b]
[b]vaaxius puts her stuff down and spreads a blanket in one side of the room, setting up a small area for her to sleep[/b]
Edited by Sola: 10/11/2015 8:22:40 PM"I think there may be room in the bed for you." [b]She smiles.[/b]
"Are you sure?" [b]vaaxius looks at her with surprise[/b]
"Yeah..." [b]She shakes a little bit.[/b]
[b]vaaxius smiles as she puts a pillow on one side of the bed along with a blanket[/b]
[b]Sola smiles.[/b] "Its not the most comfortable bed, but I assure you it's better than the floor."
"I'm sure that I've slept on worse things.." [b]vaaxius lays down in her side and wraps the blanket around herself[/b]
[b]Sola closes the door.[/b] "Rest up, I'll be working on this radio I guess."
"Ok, have fun..." [b]vaaxius closes her eyes and begins to sleep[/b]