[b]as his hand touches the Blade, his hand is jerked back by the power field that surrounded the sword. The Huge man in power armor kicks python to the floor and puts his large foot on him, keeping the blade to his neck.[/b]
[i]"Good answer. Now, how the hell did you find me?"[/i]
He climbs a tall rock and helps Lex up it.
[i]"thank you."[/i] [b]he spots a cave just up ahead.[/b] [i]"there. Perfect for the night."[/i]
He turns to the cave and walks in, pulling his pistol and flashlight, looking around.
[b]he enters the cave with his mechanical suit, await for everyone to enter. After Minerva and python are well inside, he seals the entrance using one of his drills.[/b]
Python slumps against the wall and pulls out a cigar.
[i]"hopefully that will mask our scent... but let's stay positive."[/i]
"We'll be fine." He lights the cigar and puffs it a few times. "So, what's your Empire like?"
[i]"one that follows the will of the God-Emperor without doubt, and without fear."[/i]
He nods. "Sounds like how I thought about mine. Them we got hit, hard. Really hard and never got up. My team is remnants of the Empire and it's forces."
[i]"perhaps one day you will work with my empire. And see what I mean."[/i]
"Maybe I will." He ashes the cigar and puts it back in his mouth.
[b]the screech was heard again. This time it was much louder, but farther away in the distance.[/b]
Python looks at Lex then at the wall. "That'll hold?"
[i]"hopefully it will mask our scent..."[/i]
"So, how are we gonna get off the planet if our ship's are destroyed?"
[i]"we can wait for the Imperium to arrive."[/i]
"I've got a ship in orbit. Hopefully they can send us a gunship."
[spoiler]Reply in RoB please.[/spoiler] [i]"they have a means for us to get out of here."[/i]
[spoiler]K[/spoiler] "How fast will your guys get here?"
[i]"a day. A week. There's no way to tell."[/i]
"My guys can get down here in an hour. Just gotta get a com relay out."
[i]"Now that's the hard part..."[/i]
He nods. "I thought so. My girlfriend's probably worried sick." He chuckles a little, ashing his cigar.
[spoiler]wait... python smokes?!?!?! Don't let A'Karo find out....[/spoiler] [i]"the signals on this planet are always garbled. Getting a transmission lines will be nigh impossible..."[/i]
[spoiler]Lightly...[/spoiler] He nods.