[i]She goes to leave, but stopping herself, she turns around sets the ship to self destruct, just to be that much more of an asshole
She leaves the ship, and walks over to hers as she steps in through the cargo bay door, and the ship bay door closes
She fires It up, and takes off as the other ship blows up[/i]
The ship explodes, getting the attention of the firemen and police.
[i]She smirks, as she flared the engines and flies off[/i] [spoiler]Inb4Montyisonhership[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Nope, he's across teh garaxy[/spoiler] The ship works perfectly, almost as if it was untouched.
[spoiler]so, leave it at this then?[/spoiler]
[spoiler]I guess, make a post sometime about her talking to Scout[/spoiler]