For everyone who complains about dying to shotguns in the Crucible...please stop complaining. And Bungie...please stop trying to please the people who constantly complain about weapons.
Are shotguns powerful in the crucible? Yes
Should shotguns be powerful in the crucible? Yes
Are shotguns the best gun for every situation? No
The last of those three questions is a simple way of reasoning why shotguns don't need to be nerfed further and why the perk SHOT PACKAGE does not need removed from all shotguns. Bungie mentioned replacing shot package with knee pads. Shotgunners will be sliding in your DMs like...
The shotgun fits a particular play style, that of aggression. It fits a player who runs fast with a primary weapon that is effective at close/medium and sometime medium/medium-long ranges. It can also be effective in the hands of someone using a long range primary who needs a quick response to aggressive players. When you're running and gunning with your primary and you get only makes sense to hot-swap to your shotgun and put someone down. I love using shotguns. I also love using sniper rifles. I also love using Bad Juju and Red Death. Zhalo Supercell is becoming a favorite as well. But do you know what I hate when I'm using a shotgun? I hate closing the gap and pulling the trigger just a moment too soon against what I think is an idle opponent and barely damaging him...because frankly, shotguns are far less effective at range in Destiny than they are in real life. I also hate when I'm just out of range to use my shotgun, my opponent is moving too fast for me to be effective aiming down sights with my pulse rifle...I have little options. Do you know what they have? A fusion rifle, guardians...a damned fusion rifle. And they melt me at a range that I can't reach them at. They're dancing side to side so that I can't kill them while their fusion rifle winds up and them boom, I'm dead...they just hip-fired me in the thigh and I disintegrate. But that's okay...because I know and they know that if I had gotten any closer they would have lost the encounter.
Every gun is good for different situations in the crucible...fusion rifles work extremely well against someone rushing you with a shotgun, so do sniper rifles, so do pretty much all primary weapons...and you have a radar hud that lets you know when someone is getting close (unless they're using trickery and space magic)
When/IF shotguns get nerfed to the point where they are no longer highly're going to get killed by something else just as much as you were getting killed by Matadors and Felwinter's Lies. You're going to get quick-scoped, you're going to get killed by your teammate exploding to a firelfy round and you're going to taste salt. You're going to spew salt. You're going to be salt. For the most part, the reason an opponent wins a one-on-one encounter in the crucible is because they're better than you, or they're better suited for the situation. If you're not good with shotguns, don't allow enemies to reach a range where they can shotgun you. When people complain about not only weapons...but even get so salty that they complain about the manner in which another player uses a you know what that is?
-Fingertips on the surface of my mind.
The crucible is a battlefield, adapt. If your form of adaptation is need a better way to adapt. I haven't played Destiny since launch but from my experience in Destiny and the things I've heard from close friends who have been there since the beginning...I've noticed a trend.
The trend is as follows:
1. Weapon becomes powerful in crucible
2. People complain about weapon
3. Weapon gets nerfed
4. Rinse
5. Repeat
If you must complain, complain about the inherent server lag and the unfair lag advantage. If that gets fixed it will be a miracle.
Hold fast to your gun Guardian, become know the rest.
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