I'm a 294 warlock and I need 2 for blade of night. GT above msg me on xbone
Need 2 for solar sword Msg for inv
Need 2 for arc sword on ps4 add name above
Looking for void group
Need 2 for solar sword. Please help! I don't chat on mic though.
Looking for void sword team Invite l1ghty34r
I need 1 for solar sword
I need 1 for solar sword 300+
Edited by Walrus jpn: 11/24/2015 8:32:15 AMNeed 2 for arc sword. Mic not necessary. XB1 Gt: Walrus jpn
I need 2 for solar sword 300+
Can I get 2 level 40's to help with the Rocketyard champion. message SeAnZyYyYyY please
Need 2 for void sword Gt- maba100 (304 hunter) Xbox one
Need 2 for solar on Xbox one
blade of night. need two for killing sword of oryx. no kids or idiots. msg me for invites.
Need 2 for solar xbox1
Need 2 to beat alack hul the darkblade in 30 seconds ps4
Will if someone is doing this quest who hasn't and who would like to do it sent an invite or ibm. Been wanting to finish this I'm doing solar.
Need help killing sword of oryx
Need 1 at boss on Xbox one
Need 2 for void sword strike
Need two for solar on ps4 add papegaaiduikertj ill be online in 2 hrs...
[quote]Need 2 to help me with exotic sword quest solar msg for inv gt same[/quote]
Looking for one to run the strike twice. Once for arc then once for solar. On 360 send me message on Xbox for invite gt as above
Hey there. Doing void sword! Add lpjj
Trying to do either void or arc. Add blumpkincherry
need a team for exotic sword im going for void add me ps3
xbox1. blade of night. arc sword. need two. [b]no idiots or kids[/b] - message me.