I'm a 294 warlock and I need 2 for blade of night. GT above msg me on xbone
PS4, need dark drinker sword, add/join williamhbobby
~305 warlock needing the arc sword. GT is same. Xbone. Willing to help with others if you help with mine.
295 hunter on ps3 looking for a group for sunless cell. Solar version, willing to help with the other elements as well
302 warlock need two 300+ for sunless cell strike xbox one msg hay hay1987
Need 2 for void sword
Need 2 for void or solar sword. Sunless cell. 306 warlock Add asskikka
Need to run sunless cell strike for solar sword.
Need 1 for solar sword... Can do more than one sword type too though. Gt WagingWar
305 hunter need 2 for void sword seal xbone msg MiG TheFallen
Need 2 for solar sword strike lvl 309 titan add sparda166
I need help on my exotic sword quest I am at the strike if you are light level 300+could please message me on here I need some help with it later today my console is 360 and the sword I am getting is the bolt caster ( yes I know I am not 300 but I am close enough )
Need 2 for exotic sword final strike. Ive got void.
Hey I need your help with the Blade of Night mission. Thanks! GT: SureK1ller
Need help doing the second part of the exotic sword quest going after the void sword , if anyone else if trying to do the quest or is willing to help Psn Joker95xD
Going for dark drinker, anyone else? XB1
Need 2 for void sword x box one. Message gt o houlahan
Need 2 for void sword x box one. Message gt o houlahan
Edited by Hobbes922: 11/8/2015 4:23:49 AMNeed 1 for solar sword join me ps4
Edited by Immortaltitan21: 11/8/2015 4:15:10 AMPs4 solar sword looking for group same psn as here add and join please
Edited by Avalon_: 11/8/2015 5:15:07 AMNeed two for void sword - I'm 300 light Need one more now.
Edited by Hobbes922: 11/8/2015 4:02:32 AM
Looking for 1 more for arc sword. 313 warlock.
Edited by Storrin: 11/8/2015 2:26:21 AMLfg for void sword. Psn same as above. On ps4.
-Xbox one- Arc sword 305 hunter double smoke gloves I have solar and void exp
Need two 300+ for exotic arc sword strike on 360 msg me for an invite
Need 2 for sunless cell arc sword gt same msg for inv or inv me xbox one