I'm a 294 warlock and I need 2 for blade of night. GT above msg me on xbone
Looking for fire team to do void exotic sword quest. GT same as above
313 wl lf team to do Arc sword final step.
305 hunter, trying to get exotic arc sword bolt caster, message for invite or invite me, Xbox one. Gt: jkHitstick1175
looking to do sol psn4 wisinger2
Need 1 for solar sword add jack-_-hammer
298 Warlock (Xbox One) GT same as above. Looking for help with Arc Sword Message or invite if interested in helping out.
298 need arc alak hul need 2 ps4
Need one for void sword
Edited by jpuha: 11/6/2015 1:47:48 AMNeed one for arc blade help add jpuha (ps4)
Void, Ps4 bann2787 need 2
exotic VOID sword anyone? ps4
Looking to do sealing the blade for arc
Need 1 more for sword quest msg me for invite
Edited by tizme16: 11/6/2015 1:33:06 AMPS4 L4> a fireteam for the arc exotic sword add tizme16
Edited by Boomslap: 11/5/2015 11:09:23 PMHave bolt caster and void edge to do. Xbox one. Gt: boomslap
Need two for solar sword on ps4 add flightwhite11
Edited by Ogma: Destroyer of Worlds: 11/6/2015 1:09:39 AMOgma: Destroyer of Worlds
Pursue happiness with diligence. - old
Need two for Arc or Void Sword. Xbox One. GT is same as above. -
Looking to make a run for dark drinker. Anyone up for it?
Looking to do solar sword
Bolt caster. XB1
Doing solar add me gt above
Edited by OUTBREAK-PRIMED: 11/5/2015 11:09:52 PMLooking for 2 for help with sealing the blade please trying to get the arc sword ps4
Bolt caster. Xbox one. Gt: boomslap
Bolt Caster, PS4. Need 2 add BloodlustStabby
Void Edge...looking for two, 310 warlock, add trndzl
Looking to get the Arc Exotic Sword only, need two, invite or message gt above