I'm a 294 warlock and I need 2 for blade of night. GT above msg me on xbone
Looking to do last step with solar sword. Looking to join two or two others join me. PSN same as above
At shrieker room msg gt above for inv arc sword xbox one
Need 1 for arc Ps4 add me: cruzheri
Add same as above arc swords only
need 1 300+ for solar sword
Edited by AWOL DJ: 10/21/2015 8:28:58 PMI need 2 nice people who WON'T kill my warden (Thracu) before we've taken Dark Blades health down 10%!!!!! Is there anyone out there willing to help a fellow guardian get his Exotic sword? Xbox360, AWOL DJ, 295 Warlock Thank you. Correction: Heolstor is the one I need. It's just Thracu in the Strike description.
Add same as above arc swords only
Need 2 for void sword Gt same as above
I could do any of the Swords, Invite Wess 2818, let me know which one as I have 3 different characters with 3 different swords
Raze Lighter on XB1, plz invite Wess 2818
306 Hunter looking for arc sword, Xbox 1. Inv me
Need 2 for ARC PS4 add me: cruzheri
Need one for solar. MSG: pryxl. Know what you're doing
303 Hunter looking to do void sword, invite citizenkane69
Sunless cell strike ps4 craigdatank
Need help with exotic sword quest psn same as above I am 303 light
Need 2 for exotic solar sword, message me in game for invite. 300+ with plenty of experience. Xbox360
Need one for solar on ps4. Add theburninater
Need 2 for arc message me on xbox one at stricken cartel for invite
Need 2 for void sword-xbox 360 295+ Gt same as above
Need 2 for solar sword. Message for invite. 300+ light required. Gt is same as user.
(Ps4) Need one for arc, gt same as above. Add and join
Need two for arc sword. I solo'ed part of it so far. 300+ light level.
307 hunter looking for 2 more 300+ For solar. Send message in game. xB1
Need two for dark drinker. Titan level 298 I have experience with sunless cell. PS3
Need 2 for sol or void. Need to do both. Be 300+ plz Psn: hhgege