I'm a 294 warlock and I need 2 for blade of night. GT above msg me on xbone
Need 2 for sunless cell raze lighter quest, if you need a raze lighter add kniightshade559
Need one for void on ps4 jaybjj
Looking for group to do the solar sword I'm light 305 Invite: DarkCrow707 Xbox1
Edited by II ShinAkuma II: 10/21/2015 3:43:39 PM306 warlock need one for solar i have one arc team mate msg gt above
Need a group, I have arc sword. Xbox one gt is XerO Hades
Need one for void sword jaybjj
Need 2 for void on xb1
Need 2 do arc sword msg gt xb1
Need 2 for void. Xbox one Gt LordStilton07
Need 2 for arc sword Ps4 SeaClown5
Looking for group to do the solar sword I'm light 305 Invite: DarkCrow707 Xbox1
Looking for others to do arc sword message same or invite same Xbox one
Need twi for void. Ps4 add mascaren
Need one for void add tigernation-1
i need one more for arc were at the shriekers msg xemberzx for inv
Need one for solar and arc sword. In game Msg for invite. GT same as above
Need 1 for Sunless Cell strike doing arc. Message vDaaniel xD on Xbox One for invite.
Need one for void add psn rpaulmagnuson
Need 2 more for arc sword final step psn Rodd3rs1610
Xbox One: 308 Titan LF two for Raze Lighter (solar). Message in-game. GT: Assltok
https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Forum/1149178 Hey guardians, have you been looking for an awesome clan that can help you with anything within the game of destiny? Then the Bloodline raiders are just right for you! We help each other out and demolish raids with ease. We go flawless when trials is on, and the Iron Banana has nothing on our teams. Here are the MUST HAVES You must be able to shoot a gun That's it guardians, we would just like to grow as a group and as a clan. Just click the link and ask to join, and I'll hook you up.
Need one 300+ light to help with the Void Exotic Sword mission
Need 2 for the ARC EDGE EXOTIC SWORD add Verginerzrgr0ss and join
Edited by Novato: 10/21/2015 3:35:57 PM303 Hunter LFG Xbox 1 Gt oneluckyrookie
need 1 for bolt caster have mic
Need 1 for sword reforged mission! 300+ GT: KG is OG