I'm a 294 warlock and I need 2 for blade of night. GT above msg me on xbone
Ps4 doing arc sword no mic but I know what to do psn reice1022 :)
Edited by Hando: 10/20/2015 11:19:43 PMNeed 2 for arc gt same as above xbox 360
Need 2 for arc
Need 2 for void sword strike. Gt above
I need 1 for sunless cell sword quest (void). 302 hunter.
Need two with void edge to do the mission. Msg GT:Ommelayo
Need 2 for sunless cell arc 300+ xbox one. Gt same as name. Message on xbox
305 warlock, Need two for void Sword. Ps4
302 Hunter for solar sword strike gt: imark3rz. If I'm not on leave a msg and we can get together tomorrow
Need 2 for arc sword. Xbox one. Send me. A message if interested gt same as uptop
Need one for void. Add techn9yne
Looking to join a fire team for sunless cell solar blade 304 lock
Need one for void sword. Send request to nvysealz
Edited by Protrotter: 10/20/2015 3:31:51 AMNeed 1 for exotic void sword. Sunless cell. I have all 3 swords exotic and know what im doing. Just trying to help a friend
Need one for void sword Msg on xbox for inv
Need 1 for sunless cell. XBONE. GT^
Need 2 for void sword add Str8Flexin4Dayz
Need 2 for exotic sword strike. I have arc sword
[quote]I'm a 294 warlock and I need 2 for blade of night. GT above msg me on xbone[/quote] 304 warlock with a solar sword PSN same as above
Edited by GuncladSaiyan: 10/19/2015 11:09:46 PM305 Hunter LFG Raze Lighter(solar exotic) final step. Xbone.
Looking for a group for crucible kills! Message me or invite in game. GT: zSchism Xbox one
Xbox 1 rumble fireteam for easy sword kills
Looking for two with void sword on Xbox one ft same as name
Hey Im Kr1tical Effect and I'm pretty new to Ps4 (but not to destiny) I have been formerly a destiny Xbox 360 user and leader of Death Raiderz (a pretty small but successful Xbox 360 clan). Now I'm back on destiny I'm currently looking new members 4 my new clan I just made. We do raids, nightfall, weekly heroics, just about anything and everything so if u need a hand with something just ask. Pls help out and join. Thx :) Recommend: Light level over 270/280 Pretty active (4hour a day is fine) No age limit ( if your 12 I don't care we're just here to have fun not exclude ppl just cause of their age) All these r recommendations so even if u r not active or light level is 180 or something u can still join and we'll help u out Thx 4 reading hope u guys will join. And the link is below to go to the clan to join Join here: https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Forum/1286219
Need one more for solar. Psn add jawrun at the pit
Lfg to help me kill Ecthar for my exotic sword Msg if you can help me real quick. GT is same as above. Xbox360