I'm a 294 warlock and I need 2 for blade of night. GT above msg me on xbone
Lfg to help me kill Ecthar for my exotic sword Msg if you can help me real quick. GT is same as above. Xbox360
We need one more for for the solar sword. At the pit. Psn
Im on the first part but if anyone else needs to do the relic iron. Just message me, im a hunter so its ten times easier Gt above
Need 1 for solar exotic (last stage) msg PSN valhalla26
Edited by HotlavaJava: 10/19/2015 10:38:59 PM2 hunters (solar exotic) at last stage the pit, looking for 1 other. PS4.
Need 1 for the last part of the solar exotic sword gt same as above.
I'm on the last step of the quest to get my sword, defeating Ecthar, Sword of Oryx, but I don't have a clue where to go, and could probably use a hand taking him out. If anyone can help me out that would be awesome. Xbox One GT: Tuck Dunder
Need 1 for void sword quest. Message gt one lion on Xbox 1 for invite
Need two for solar gamertag same as name, please have mic.
Need 2 for solar at last mission. Gt same as above.
Edited by x Schweitzy: 10/19/2015 10:05:56 PMNeed 2 for last part gt same xbox one
294 warlock need 2 for arc gt same as above xbox 360
Edited by HotlavaJava: 10/19/2015 10:29:18 PM2 Hunters looking for 1 for the solar exotic sword quest, have mic, please join. we are at the last part now.
Looking for help with arc sword GT: F1 STi
Im void need 2 for echtar
Looking for void Sunless Cell quest team. Gt one lion. Xbox 1
Void, Psn: TheKingOfSloths
Looking for two for arc sword. Gt is above
Looking for one needing void add laxking525
looking for PS4 users to do the void sunless cell quest. Add hahahahakiller (4 "ha" 's)
Need some help for blade of night quest. Defeat ecthar. Send message for invite. Gt is the same. 302 warlock.
Looking for the Sunless Cell (void) sword mission. My GT is One Lion. Send me an invite Xbox 1
Looking for void sunless cell xbox one gt Canadiankorean9
Ps4 arc sunless cell 295+ add me
Need 2 for void strike ps4 bigjake737
ps4 looking for 2 more for arc sword message shameusshamus please