I'm a 294 warlock and I need 2 for blade of night. GT above msg me on xbone
Need 1 to help with arc and void message DEVILHAWKEYE on Xbox for inv
Need 2 more for the crucible part. Get into a rumble match and get it done. Message for invite. GT: II carsey II
Need one for the sunless cell strike on Xbox one. Preferably for solar or arc. Msg Phantom467 for inv.
Edited by WildGoosies: 10/19/2015 11:53:57 AMNeed one for sunless cells x box one .be experienced msg for inv
Need 2 for solar sword PS4 add me and join ;)
Edited by WildGoosies: 10/19/2015 11:52:58 AMNeed one for solar sword sunless cells strike msg for inv
Edited by Yippy kai a: 10/19/2015 11:46:37 AMNeed 2 for void sword on Xbox one send message on xbl for invite gt same as above One more now
LF Void sword Group for sunless cell inv Nyghts
Looking for two people to do [u]arc[/u] sword sunless cell strike, 290+ and know what we're doing message huskerkme for invite on Xbox 360
Got all 3 swords to do gt DEVILHAWKEYE on Xbox one
Need 1 for arc sword quest add thadansta2k9
304 Hunter want to do sealing the blade (last quest) I got arc. Add wiriez
Need one for solar sword
Anyone for the sunless cell sword exotic strike? I'm doing the solar sword
Sunless cell ps4 need 2 arc sword craigdatank
Lf someone to help get into the asylum on the blade of night bounty gt the same mess for invite
Edited by DoctorZeuss77: 10/19/2015 6:50:18 AMLooking to do Solar sword strike. PS4
Hi Gunnar here, need 2 for Sunless Cell Strike. Currently needing 2 more materials but by the time I get 2 I'll be done. Add name as above. Thanks :P
305 titan looking to do arc sword need to lure out the wizard.
Need one for sunless cell final exotic sword strike xbox1
Edited by WILLZ TO SNEAKY: 10/19/2015 6:24:57 AMLvl 304 and doing solar sword. This is also my second time. Lvl 300+, on xbox 1 Msg willz to sneaky
Looking for 2 lvl 304 and doing solar sword. This is also my second sword. Message willz to sneaky
Need 2 for solar sword, inv JSwoft456
I need to kill ecthar I have the arc sword anyone wanna help?
Edited by wrxCROW: 10/19/2015 6:18:23 AM
Need 2 for arc sword. Ps4 ZoosZoos