I'm a 294 warlock and I need 2 for blade of night. GT above msg me on xbone
Edited by BULL56113: 12/10/2015 3:00:41 AMPs4... Need 2 for dark drinker. I'm a 307 warlock. Add BULL56113
Need 1 for void add brownie113
316 Hunter Need 2 for sealing arc blade msg n0toriousxblt XboxOne
Need 1 for solar sword ps4 Add:Domney12
me and buddy are 310+. he's doing a void. I'm doing the arc sword. we're doing it in one run. join quick. gt Nate Ls garbage. Xbox one
PS4 void sword 291 hunter
We need one person for the exotic arc sword quest ...msg me on XBL 1 GT:UD Gucci
We need one person for the exotic arc sword quest ...msg me on XBL 1 GT:UD Gucci
Need one Will do any sword Add Lord_Magnus92 Bring mic and good attitude
Need 2 for void, ps4, add lethalrejection 313 warlock
Edited by e36m3power2108: 12/9/2015 11:59:41 PMNeed two for void sword add e36m3power2108 and join
Need two for void sword add e36m3power2108 and join
Need one to help me with sunless cell strike for exotic sword quest. Must be over 300 add darksoldier1129
310 warlock with BS etc. Add me for VOID sword final quest.. Xbox ONE GT: cbjoe
Edited by GeekinRob: 12/10/2015 12:41:21 AMSolar sword quest. Add n join ps4
Need 2 for solar sword. 300+. Add psn DonaldTrump2016_ Ps4
Need 2 for solar sword ps4 add computerman2200
Need one for arc sword msg msam17 on Xbox one
Edited by Kryptarschloch: 12/9/2015 11:58:15 PMneed 2 300+ for the solar sword msg Kryptarschloch XB1
Edited by e36m3power2108: 12/9/2015 11:59:54 PMNeed two for void sword add e36m3power2108 and join
need 2 300+ for the solar sword msg Kryptarschloch
Need 2 for void sword. Add and join ts132v if interested. Please be 300+ and a please have mic.
310 warlock with BS etc Add me for VOID sword. Xbox ONE GT: cbjoe
Need 2 300 plus people for the strike I have the arc edge I'm on psn if ur willing to join a party add me JORDAN-2580 no kids though
Looking for 1 PS4. We're at the end. Add me.
LF group for dark blade, ign mrmacman36 xbox360