I'm a 294 warlock and I need 2 for blade of night. GT above msg me on xbone
looking for arc. msg for inv or inv me. gt as above.
Need 2 for arc blade Xbox One
Needing void and arc done on two characters , 299 light already got solar sword Xbox one GT same as above
Edited by James117: 12/9/2015 9:37:38 AMXb1 need one for solar sword, message me for invite GT: same as above
Need 2 for arc sword add adude403 and join
Edited by cinnamontofu: 12/9/2015 9:19:35 AMNeed 2 for the arc sword. Please be 300+ and have a mic. Add and join ts132v if interested. PS4
Need 1 for the Raze Lighter
I'm 298 warlock ps4 Motoxchamp needing sunless cell for arc blade
PS3 looking to get bolt caster in sunless cell. Add WHISKY_BASS
Need team for void sword
Need team to seal fire sword ps4
Edited by vipva757: 12/8/2015 12:34:08 AMNeed 2 do solar sword Gt same Xbox 1
316 warlock have the arc and solar sword strike to complete Xbox one gt as above
316 titan for sunless cell invite me Xbox one
PS4. Need 2 for solar run. 308 Titan. Add psn above.
Edited by AngryToastz: 12/7/2015 11:17:04 PMNeed group for Void sword run. XBOX1
Edited by V1nd1ct1veSlay3r: 12/7/2015 6:34:04 PMNeed to run void sunless cell quest, need two people, add jdr2009 ps4
Got 2 for solar sword, send message if you want to join
315 hunter lfg on sunless cell exotic sword quest, gt same, message me on xbox1
Edited by Gervld77: 12/7/2015 5:05:47 PMIm about a 300 lvl hunter looking to do solar sword sealing the blade. Any one who is looking to finish this quest along with me just add psn gervld77. Need 2 people don't care what sword you have I'll help you guys as well in getting it.
Still trying to do solar sword...GT same as above
Need some help beating ecthar, sword of oryx msg Astroh III (capital i's) for invite
314 hunter going 4 the bolt caster need 1 or two, gt same message on live
Edited by anomaly76: 12/7/2015 4:09:53 PMNever mind.
Trying to get solar sword, GT same as above
Edited by V1nd1ct1veSlay3r: 12/7/2015 3:55:28 PMNeed two guardians to help with dark drinker (void) sunless cell quest. Please add jdr2009 on ps4. Thanks.