I'm a 294 warlock and I need 2 for blade of night. GT above msg me on xbone
Edited by V1nd1ct1veSlay3r: 12/7/2015 3:55:28 PMNeed two guardians to help with dark drinker (void) sunless cell quest. Please add jdr2009 on ps4. Thanks.
Will do void and arc with hunter and warlock, both 316. Add and join on PS4 DocDoom1979
Need 2 for void
void sword need 2 reply here
[quote]303 Titan looking for help/group to complete the Sword Reforged quest on PS4. Arc version preferred and have a mic so we can coordinate PSN: Neoxiatec_[/quote]
Need two for solar sword (316 Titan ) Xbox 1
Arc sword need 2 for ps4. Add and join
Anyone looking for the solar sword completed add kissmymuscles12 already at the boss
Looking for 2 more for solar sword ps4
xbone need 1 for solar sword final strike GT is name send message
Looking for anyone that will help me finish the final step to get the chaperone, msg usedtoyota
2 for arc blade. Add gammatrain3 on ps4 and have mic.
Need 2 for arc sword, message Gt Above for invite
Looking for 2 more for solar sword PS4.
Need two for the solar exotic sword Add: andredias1997
Xbox One, need one more for Void Sword. If you're interested, message me at CallMeBionic.
need two for arc darkblade ps4
Edited by shadowsnypppa1: 12/6/2015 11:13:21 PMNeed 2 for solar dark blade. Final stage. Ps4. Gt as above
Need two for heroic darkblade quest
Edited by TheMilkman: 12/6/2015 9:13:44 PM
Need 2 for last step of solar sword on Xbox One.
Need 2 for last step for solar on xbox one.
Need two for help getting arc sword exotic, be good if you are also after, invite me xbox1 gt same as above
Need 2 for arc sword. Gt same as name and I'm on xbox one
I need two for the solar sword. I'm also will to help anyone else get there sword if it's not solar. Add spsuperman6