I'm a 294 warlock and I need 2 for blade of night. GT above msg me on xbone
I need two for the solar sword. I'm also will to help anyone else get there sword if it's not solar. Add spsuperman6
I need 2 for last step of solar sword. Send me a msg for invite.
Need solar sword on Xbox one. 312 titan gt same as above
Need one more for sunless cell void sword message me in game (Xbox one) (void sword only)
Need 2 for arc sword Message Freddy0009 for invite
Need 1 for solar sword Psn TROWA783
Need 1 for void sword Psn TROWA783
Edited by Skeloton33swag: 12/6/2015 5:16:59 PMNeed 2 for Arc sword. Msg Skeloton33swag for inv. (Xbox One)
Need 2 for solar sword ps4 add iknowsyafather
Need 2. I'm on solar. Psn Grimbattle7
Need 2 for arc sword Add destinydmm PS4
Need 2 for void sword
Need 2 for arc sword, message Gt above.
Solar sword anyone? Gt ucbsupafly
Need 2 for arc sword Add destinydmm PS4
Need 1 on X1 gt is same
Have 2 for an arc sword. Almost to the dark blade message bluntkingpeters for an invite. Both 300+
Edited by Mantis: 12/6/2015 5:03:51 AMNeed 1 more for Solar Sword add Blobfishvinny PS4
need two for Solar, message me
Need one on xbox one... msg bcX 2
315 hunter need couple people to help me with solar sword last mission hit up larryh42
Edited by MiNi CooPs XD: 12/6/2015 3:02:53 AMNeed 2 for final step msg me for inv gt same as above xbox one
Need one for solar sword quest...message gt above
Need two 307+ sealing the blade quest Arc sword only Message on Xbox for invite
need 2 for solar plz