I'm a 294 warlock and I need 2 for blade of night. GT above msg me on xbone
Need 1 for void sword, at the boss. Message gt above
Xbox one need two for void sword gt same above
Need 2 to run either void or arc, halfway through strike. Message gt above for inv
I'll help anyone 360 who needs any of the swords. Msg me if you need help gt is same above
LFG to do the Void or Solar Exotic Sword Quest for Sunless Cells.
Need 2 for solar sword msg to gt from above
Doing the dark blade quest for the solar sword on Xbox one, msg gt Sycoa for inv
Edited by Rogue: 12/3/2015 2:21:59 AMBolt caster strike 310 warlock ps4
Doing the major kills and crucible kills for anyone that wants to join
Lf arc sword xbox one
Need 1 person to do the sunless cell strike for and I need the exotic sword Arc bolt so, if you are will to help me out, that would be appreciated! 295+ Xbox 360
need 1 to help with void
Need 1 to help with sunless cell strike. Void or solar only. PS4. Add zee54
Warlock trying to seal arc edge on xbox one. Message Gt SSBass10
Need two for the last strike for the solar sword on 360. Msg ARTiSTiCblues for inv
Edited by UNBEATABLE KOTL: 12/3/2015 1:25:50 AMI'm a 315 Titan Need 2 for solar
Edited by TheMadDog4202: 12/3/2015 1:24:24 AMNeed 2 for void. Gt: TheMadDog4202 Ill be on in an hour or so. Xbox 1
Need 2 for solar sword. Xbox 1. Msg gt above
Need 1 for Arc Sword Ps4 Add SanctionZero
Need two for solar exotic sword. 307 hunter. Ps4. Add black_mamba3450
304 warlock, need two for arc sword. Message gt above for invite
316 titan looking for 2 to go for raze lighter. Message PoppaChubby220 for an invite. Xbox one.
Looking to do void sword sunless cell Gt: SickTriggerFish
PS4 need 2 for arc sword final strike
Need 2 for void. GT xmandy mayhem
I need 2 for exotic solar sword strike. Message Pro7MasterChief for an invite