I'm a 294 warlock and I need 2 for blade of night. GT above msg me on xbone
need 2 for exotic arc sword quest. I'm a 317 Titan on 360
305 Light Hunter looking for a few people to help get my Dark Drinker. On Xbox. Send a message if interested. Name is the same as above.
Exotic Solar sword strike. Need 1. Msg TUBY MOPHO06 for invite. Xbox 360
Solar sword exotic strike. Need two to help. Gt Runner0047
ARC SWORD EXOTIC QUEST!!! I am hoping to find 2 others that need to do the Lv 300 Sunless Cell for the Exotic Arc Sword. I am Lv 313 & have done the exotic sword quest several times & know the drill. The matchmaking has given me nothing but ppl who kill all of the wardens as soon as they enter, which means I have done the strike for nothing at least 5 times. If anyone needs this final stage for their ARC EXOTIC SWORD please let me know. If you have never done it or do not know the routine on the proper method I would be more then happy to help or explain if you have a mic. Thanx! PS4 screen name same as above.
Need help solar sword add yoshiii7 311 hunter
302 hunter needing help with last part for bolt caster inv KrypticKnight13 xbone
Lf team for fire sword xbox1 gt saintstfu
Lf team for void sword xbox1 same gt
On last part need help with ecthar sword of oryx i am lvl 306 gt dethnight36
300 Titan Looking to do sunless cell strike to finish solar sword. Invite DemonReach88 on xb1
300 Titan Looking to do sunless cell strike to finish solar sword. Invite DemonReach88
Need help for finishing solar sword. Xbox one. GT is same as above. Message me if interested
Need 2 for final Void sword quest. Msg Frattylight56 for invite.
Edited by Casciaq: 11/29/2015 9:30:35 PM298 hunter doing strike for dark drinker, Xbox 360 message for invite, gt same as above.
Need 2 for exotic sword arc or solar as I got 2 on same character..
Lf2 to help with sword reforged need solar and arc. Im at the boss mssg for inv
Looking to do sunless cell for raze lighter. Msg gt above on xbl if interested in working together.
Doing Arc Sword Kills in crucible and need one major kill message me on 360 GT: Mnkey234
Need to do solar sword hit me up on Xbox one GT same as name. If u need a different sword u help me I'll help you. I's in GT = capital i's
Anyone running Bolt Caster? 301 Warlock Xbox One. GT mayhem420
Looking for one to get Bolt-Caster. Add ToLoveEcchi
[quote]I'm a 294 warlock and I need 2 for blade of night. GT above msg me on xbone[/quote] Need 2 for arc sword gt same
Need 2 for Sunless Cell strike. Arc sword. Add zee54. Thanks.
Edited by Superman2014842: 11/29/2015 4:58:00 PM299 Titan. Void - Dark Drinker sword. GT is Superman2014842 XBOX ONE.
Need help on finishing up this quest please. Gt same