"Looks like a sound fracture."
He reaches into the first aid kit, grabbing medical tape. He grabs two long metal rods from the side of the kit. He wraps the metal rods around her leg with the medical tape.
"Careful with that. It'll hold for now, but I'll need to take a better look later."
[b]She glares, not trusting the scans.[/b] "I'd prefer to check mysel-OW!"
"Sorry, had to stabilize it." The doctor looks up at you. "Check it when your done, if we don't get this set, it'll break worse."
"If I don't fix any punctures, it probably won't matter."
"Valid point." He shoots her up with a fast acting pain agent and resets the bone. It hurts a lot but it's done.
"GAAAH! A little warning would be nice!"
"Sorry." He wraps a splint around the bone and back away, returning with a bottle of pain killers. "Take these every eight hours for pain as needed." He hands you the bottle.
[b]She grabs it.[/b] "So can I check for suit punctures now?"
"Yep. Do you need help to your room?"
"I think I'm good..." [b]She rolls of and walks out slowly.[/b]
Nurses around watch to be sure she can. The Doctor goes to work on the other survivors.
[b]She stumbled out into the hall, her leg still in pain.[/b]
A soldier sets his rifle in his room and goes to help her out, putting her arm on his shoulder. "I've got you."
"Thanks..." [b]She shakes her leg[/b]
"No problem." He gets her to her room and opens the door for her.
[b]She stumbled in and smiles.[/b]
He smiles back. "How did you do that?" She notices that one of his arms is in a brace and cast.
[b]She looks at her leg[/b] "This? A grenade."
"Looks like it hurts. An ammo crate fell on me."
[b]She chuckles at the irony[/b] "I was hiding in an ammo crate."
He chuckles. "Wow, that's crazy. I kinda stood back with my big gun and sprayed."
"I tried to jump away..."
"Yeah, grenades have a bigger radius than you'd think." He hears someone call his name and he looks back. "Well, I gotta get going. Hope that leg heals up." He walks out. [spoiler]Going to bed, night[/spoiler]