Everywhere I go... Sunbreakers this. Sunbreakers that. I can't even begin to understand why on Earth, Bungie would make such and op thing. Literally everywhere I go, there's just fire spraying all around me. There's nothing I can do about it either. Can run, can jump, can't shoot through all the incoming fire explosions. It's stupid as hell. Whenever I try to run, they just throw a fireball so I'm trapped. When I try to jump, they just wait till I fall. And when I try to shoot I can't see anything BECAUSE THERES SO MUCH FIRE EVERYWHERE!!!! I swear if Bungie doesn't Nerf this I quit. I've spent 3000 plus hours on destiny and I swear, this is the end. If you use it and don't agree that it's op than you're ignorant. No class should have so much power as Warlocks do when they equip the sunbreakers. Extended solar grenades are too good. Warlocks were always good, but now when everyone uses sunbreakers, I'm dying all the time. BUNGIE!!!! NERF SUNBREAKERS OR I QUIT!!!
Edit 1: Seems that only about 5% of you guys are able to read.
Edit 2: Seems like more than 10% can read now. That's good. Baby steps people.
Edit 3 (Three in one day! WOW!): please people, read the last 4 sentences if you can't do anything else.
Edit 4: I added a new edition to my post. :)
Edit 5: this community is sad
Edit 6: Thank you hate replies. I'm going to have the best popcorn with your salt. :)
[quote]No class should have so much power as Warlocks do when they equip the sunbreakers. Extended solar grenades are too good. Warlocks were always good, but now when everyone uses sunbreakers, I'm dying all the time. BUNGIE!!!! NERF SUNBREAKERS OR I QUIT!!![/quote] Lmao
Dude I know right so op I get stuck I the grenade and I just freak out and burn to death. Bungie plz nerf warlocks
Go spend 3000 hrs buying tissues scrub. Titan gets one good super finally and the world falls apart. Funny how when they just had purple bubbles which were basically bringing mace to a gunfight, people still screamed nerf. Everybody put up with hunters having 2 ranged super attacks for a year. Hit you across the board with a golden gun= instantly dead or a blade dancer that could basically fly and wipe out a scattered team. Warlocks can not only kill you with a single grenade, but if you managed to kill them, could pull the noob card and just revive to throw more grenades. Their void class is also ranged and would wipe out everything in a 15ff diameter. So good bye and good riddance. You won't be missed
Dude, you're so clever. The second half of this Vine is what I think people who make satire posts feel: https://vine.co/v/e6KD5el7LP9
Nobody like you. Quite
Haha, nice.
Bye felicia
Bye bye
Learn how to shut them down. P.s. Bye
No one really cares that 1 single person is quitting so cry about it somewhere else...
Quit then
Be careful what you wish for. Those who gripe may get their wish, but if I know Bungie, the nerf is going to cripple the titans for PVE. Right now, the titan does a great job in PVE, but it would be a shame to ruin something that works good because the PVPERS whine.
I love killing sunbreakers they always send you whiny hate mail. "sniper camper" "bow hunters are nubs" "warlock op scrub" etc....I don't know why they even bothered giving titans a good pvp class. People that run all 3 classes tear rhem apart, because they know what to do.
You forgot #satire [spoiler]Oh wait he didn't[/spoiler]
Edited by Ravenous Thqwib: 10/13/2015 6:05:17 PM
Lazy Bungie reusing names of things...
Just gitgud scrub. Sunbreakers are here to stay. Besides, exotics are suppose to be powerful, so stop complaining.
These posts where op purposely misspell words and think they are clever when people read is quickly misread, are immature, and stupid not clever. I know you are simply trying to get as many replies as you can rather than contributing anything useful. You can have this reply to add to your count.
I didn't read anything but the title peace out
Warlocks are op .. Titan has been nerfed allready ... While warlocks dont die with a fusion granade and several headshots the titan can be killed with any primary really easy now .... That sucks again the titan is the weaker class
This satire is bad and you should feel bad.
K bye then o/
I LOVE these kind of threads! Please leave destiny! it would be a great day for its community and especially for its forum