originally posted in:The Roleplay League
My god, It's true, the legends. Everyone in here is a neeeeeeeerd!!
So you're a nerd as well since you're here now. You've fallen into a trap. Nerd.
After looking at your stats, I have come to the conclusion that you are a nerd as well
Because I enjoy to play a game? K
Because we enjoy roleplaying? K
Yes, yes we are.
Wait.. Nerds are legends..? Wow. Never knew. Thanks for sharing.
Not even close
You said it yourself. [quote]My god, It's true, the legends. Everyone in here is a neeeeeeeerd!![/quote] Pls explains.
The legend that everyone here is a nerd. Not nerds are legends m8
K. I dunno how that's an insult. As you can see, we are obviously admitting to it. And so am [i]I[/i].
Pretty much.