done it about 5 times this week, never taking more than 20 seconds to do
That sounds about right, I usually do it 12 times a day, 5 times a minute for 2.4 minutes.
How is it not possible? Especially with the Ogre, just go behind him, use cover and keep shooting. It's not hard, then sword or super the wizzard. Done. Man you kids are really scrubs aren't you.
Never tried it but me and a buddy of mine do this one with ease and using this strat^^ I'm positive I could solo it
Who said it wasn't possible? Have you done it? You haven't answered the question. If it was so easy you would at least have 300 light artifacts on all your characters because it's so easy, right? But you don't, because you just wanted to hop on the forums and be a keyboard warrior. So tired of trolls who can barely break 300 light coming on the forums and talking shit.
Never said it was Easy, not once, I laughed at those who need to leech off other randoms to beat the tiers. You say I am talking shit, but your the one slinging mud here buddie, talking shit about 300 light as if it's even anything. Beating the raid at 290 or even 295 is possible and that's just what I did. You can thank RNG for not giving me gear above 300, not like that number even matters. I am tired of garbage like you ready to white knight for anyone, you have people here saying they solo'ed Tier 3, yet you still demand I answer if I have. I think it's pretty apparent I have multiple times, I can't rely on others to help me do what I need done, I am capable of doing what needs done for myself something children like you can not grasp yet. Grow up and learn the difference between talking shit and laughing at something because you find it funny. Seriously, take my advice and go away, stop wasting your time here talking shit about 300 light levels and solo'ing something you sound like a Wanna Be Elitist.
I've solod tier 3.
I'm not saying it can't be done, I was challenging the guy talking shit to put his money where his mouth is.