Hello guys I have been seeing a lot of people complain about people who can't get into party because of certain light levels or weapons. Well I created this forum to help you guys find other people for raids. To help you guys find other people who
are raid ready but people have high requirements. So comment your name and start raiding guardians! If anyone posts requirements will be muted this is to give back!
[quote]its looking great guys![/quote]
[quote]Not a lot of people can read sadly[/quote]
[quote]if you're one of players that say 300+ need experienced players this thread is not for you.[/quote]
[quote]to anyone that is seeing someone who has requirements bump it or comment on there comment saying "Read the title"[/quote]
[quote]Hope you guys are enjoying and getting good drops! [/quote]
Need 5 oryx cp i have the gist of it but may still need help 294 Lock
Need 5 oryx cp i have the gist of it but may still need help
NEVER RAN THE RAID, BUT SEEN GUIDES ON HOW TO DO IT Light 295 warlock and ready to learn! Add mr_mangaser
Need to compleat the final part of the raid tonight need experienced players light level 295+ with a mic, needs to be finished tonight Add QuickScopeBomber for an invite
Looking for experienced players to do fresh run with add me SUB_SHADOW12
Need 5. Never ran the raid before so I wanna give it my first go. 290 light warlock add Verkz_16
Edited by Supercharles14: 10/12/2015 11:13:48 PM301 Titan looking to do Daughters/oryx I have done the raid and know what I'm doing add supercharles14 PS4
Kings Fall Raid Fresh - Reset Day Looking for a team to hit up the raid at 5 a.m. EST Requirements: Experience 295 Light or above Good DPS weapon Comment below
Golgoroth cp Message for inv
Need 3 for fresh run plz have touch of malace add me DeViL_Clutch1
Shadowdepth and theshiva87 looking for raid group.
Edited by Chiefy McChief: 10/13/2015 12:53:04 AM293 warlock I'm lfg to do kings fall raid weekly I have no exp but I'm willing to learn and have a mic. Available 8pm AEST.
296 light with 300+sniper experienced warlock completed raid mic and sleeper stimulant add inches-_- looking for fresh run or totem CP BEFORE THE WARPRIEST
Need 5 for oryx 290+ light add or message keen_eye-12345
At Oryx checkpoint. Looking for 5 players who know what they're doing to make this a pretty quick kill. Must be at least 290+ and be good with/have good sniper to kill ogres. Having touch of malice or black spindle is always a bonus. Add Darkblood_Saint for inv.