originally posted in:The Roleplay League
[i]As Garuud nears the given coordinates, a safe house under an abandoned building, Adara monitors the skies with an AA radar. As soon as the titan gets a hold of the location, she contacts him through comms. Her voice rang out, as cold as the weather and even more stern than Shaxx.[/i]
A: [i]Guardian, you're in a locked down area. State your name and purpose. [/i]
"My name is Garuud Fireborn, and I am here to kick butt and chew bubble gum. Sadly for the bad guys, I am all out of bubble gum!" Garuud replied. "There was a distress call, and I am your cavalry! You can thank me later"
[i]Adara grunts in annoyance, and asks Garuud a question.[/i] A: Tell me something, are you a hunter? You remind me of our rescue target and as much as I love him he's a pain in the ass, like many hunters I've met.
"No, I am Titan actually, Sunbreaker Exo. Male if your wondering! Wink wink. Yes, I said that outloud" Garuud said.
A: I have my eyes on another exo. I'll send you coordinates for you to meet up with me. I'll debrief you. Before that, I have to tell you, this is a high risk-low reward rescue mission. I doubt you'll make it out alive. You can turn back now and live to fight another day, or risk your life and never come back. Just like the scouts.
"All the missions I do seem to be high risk low reward these days sadly. But at least I will have lunch. Lets go"
A: Alright then, your ghost will receive the coordinates shortly. I'm expecting you. Don't dissapoint. [i]Adara sends coordinates to Garuud and closes communications. She exits the safehouse, a bunker under an abandoned building, and heads to a slightly less wooded area, waiting for Garuud.[/i]
Upon receiving the coordinates Garuud took off, upon reaching the coordinates it came to a clearing in a wooded area. He landed his ship and exited looking around. "This is oddly quiet for a high risk reward hahaha" Garuud said as he laughed.
A: Not quiet enough. Follow me. [i]Adara gives Garuud a gesture to follow and walks into the woods firearm in hand, her down and doubt 00. As they walk to a vantage point, Adara asks Garuud about any previous accomplishments.[/i] A: Tell me, Garuud, what was the last high risk mission you've done?
"We fought and took down a taken guardian. A team was getting dunked on by him and we jumped in to help, unfortunately they did not stay among the living for long. But with team work, we took him down and took him to the vanguard. I didn't even get paid! I would think they would value that more! But now I am working as a mercenary." Garuud said.
A: Another one? Oryx is getting too ahead of himself, he's already crossed the line and in just itching to crush his head. We're nearing Xel's position. You'll be debriefed there. [i]Adara contacts Xel through radio, to warn him thier nearing his position. As the two titans walk, they hear fallen technology whirring echo in the distance. Adara continues however, knowing that the fallen are far from thier position.[/i] A: Xel, we're nearing your position, have you seen anything unusual? X: [i]Only a few skiffs, nothing major. You have a guardian with you?[/i] A: Yes, a Titan. Sunbreaker. X: [i]Alright then. Didn't you say you don't like Sunbreakers?[/i] A: [b]Ahem.[/b] X: [i]Oh, dear my apologies, I've run my mouth again. [/i] A: Just be ready.
Edited by garuudfireborn: 10/13/2015 8:53:21 PM*Garuud looks at Adara* "Problem with Sunbreakers? I know I can be a little to hot to handle at times hahahaha!" Garuud laughed. "So whats the plan stan?" Garuud said. "Wait, there have been more taken guardians? Crapola"
A: David, our rescue target, has had to kill a taken guardian on the dreadnaught. Long before Mara-- the awoken attacked. He was the first guardian to get the first look inside and survive. I'm surprised and dissapointed he let himself be captured by fallen.
"Maybe he needed a vacation! haha! But he may have had ulterior motives." Garuud said as they were walking. "So, how long has he been in their custody? How do we know he is still alive?"
A: It's been a long time since he's been gone. I don't even remember what happened... We where in this same area, rescuing another guardian he had come by. The big problem is that there was an enormous blizzard, going up to 150 kilometer wind speeds. With all the winds, and freezing snow, I lost both of them. I headed my way back to the tower and we haven't had any luck finding either. The other guardian's name was Siris, a sunbreaker like you. I think it's been a month since then.
"Ah, so was he the other Sunbreaker that you had issues with? So where is the compound with your messing fellow?" Garuud said. "Its time to k some a and then eat a whole plate of chimichangas"
A: We're not heading there. We're going to a vantage point over there. See that building? There's an unknown fallen house in a cave system that is under the entire area. We picked up through thier comms that thier new kell is arriving today. We think that the kell has David imprisoned, and as soon as the ketch lands we'll break in, find David, and strike at the kell.
Garuud spies the building. " great that's fun! So what artillery do we have? "
A: You're looking at the artillery. [i]The titans finally get to the vantage point and find a door. The door opens, and Xel-15, crucible champion, exits with an Omolon sniper rifle in hand and the Tlaloc hooked on his back. He rushes to Adara, as if he was going to protect her.[/i] X: You're here. Well are we ready? A: Garuud, you need something?
"Ah the touchy feely type cool hahaha" Garuud said as he indicated Xel. "No matter, so I take it the kell will be showing up in a Ketch, right?"
X: What? No no no I-I-- A: Yes it's exactly that Garuud. [i]This[/i] is the exo I refered to earlier. X: Why do you keep telling so many strangers?!? Do you not have any sense of privacy... [i]Xel continued to speak all flustered, to a point where he just started talking incoherently and his voice module was malfunctioning. Adara however remained calm while Xel kept going on and on. Xel wined down for a minute, he finally ran out of words to say. Adara looked at him straight through his helmet and spoke to him in a rarely calm voice. [/i] A: Are you done now? X: I can't... Why... Why...? A: Is there a problem? X: Let's just get into position already...
" hahahaha so cute! No worries lil guy" Garuud said as he patted him on the back with a exaggerated motion. "So how is the Kell getting here? Probably not by Taxi."Garuud asked while forming a idea in his head.
X: We think he'll be arriving in a few hours or so. It's really hard to- [i]In that precise moment, the skies darkened, the air tensed, and to make matters worse, a snowstorm approached the area. In a blink of an eye, a Black and Yellow ketch with spawns of skiffs flew above them. The skiffs flew steady, but the ketch however was a bit erratic, taking strangers turns. Normally a ketch would keep flying to a different area to land in, but instead it was going to land right there, close to the guardians. [/i] X: ...or the ketch appears now. And it's heading right towards us! A: Don't just stand there! Go back in the building! [i]The guardians run to the building to avoid the massive ketch dodging skiff turrets blasts and mines. [/i]
" that ketch is literally right outside this freaking building! Wait..... Muhahahahaha how big is this building... Skyscraper size? " Garuud asked a giant smile building.
Edited by Straight Fish: 10/17/2015 12:17:10 AM[i]The guardians barely reach the building, and as they enter they slam the door shut. [/i] X: This building is only 3 stories high, what are you planning? [i]Amidst the commotion of the outside, a high pitched noise echoed. It wasn't fallen, but it was loud. Shortly after it winds down, [url=http://youtu.be/pAgnJDJN4VA]a song was heard[/url]. Nobody knew what to do or even what to think. Xel peeked out the door, to see the Ketch on the ground and the hangar opened. Fog was seeping out of the ketch, and fallen were bowing down to thier new Kell. Who is the new Kell? Xel sees a small figure, for a kell, almost humanlike.[/i] X: What kind of kell is that?
"I'm planning a party!" Garuud said. " let me know when they're close."