Hey its really good to see you active on the forums even if it is just to pop in say a few words then leave again. Since you say your taking issues and problems to the Development team how about you past something along for me.
Tell them to fix the severs, upgrade them, take them down for maintenance, whatever it is they have to do to get them to WORK PROPERLY. I should not be getting error codes telling me to reset my router when im hardwired with a 50gb download speed. Ever since TTK has released the Lag has been unreal.
In the middle of walking down a hallway you freeze up for a couple of seconds only to finally move a few more feet and hit the loading wall (as i call it) Even these are taking much longer then normal.
Now i understand that TTK added alot of coding to the game and that does make it a difference but SERIOUSLY Bungie needs to start maintaining their servers. I dont think anyone is going to care if you take the servers offline for a hour during the weekly reset to do maintenance, hot patches, debugging or whatever else needs done if its going to mean less lag and less error codes.
Before TTK came out i would get the occasional error code that booted me to obit or forced me to hard boot my PS3 which wasn't a big deal. Now however? its nearly every day im being booted to orbit by a rabbit, weasel, buffalo, caterpillar, marionberry, and every other error code you can list.
Please inform the development team that they need to put their heads together and get this worked out before it continues to get worse. I have had to quit playing other games because they never worked on any issues with their servers and they kept crashing all the time. I do like destiny but this is starting to get old.
Yeah I'd really like it if they fixed em. The lag in the raid and even on patrol is unreal and I know sometimes it's (in my case) my router or connection but that's normally once every few weeks not daily like it's been since the update before the taken king launched.