[spoiler]Ok, then pretend I was speaking to an officer[/spoiler]
"Del Fino? I thought that Au- Phantom owned that company? How did they get the resources to attack us again?"
[spoiler]K[/spoiler] "We don't know. They must have somebody on the inside to hit us this hard." You notice his stomach has started bleeding again.
Ginger looks down at the man's stomach. "Looks like something hit [i]you[/i] hard on the inside. I'm not a medic, but I can probably help you out." He reaches into a pocket in the suit, and pulls out a med-gel pack "Take some gel, and put it over the wound once we make sure there isn't a bullet inside you. It'll help you heal."
"There's already an exit wound, sir. The bleeding started again, it will stop eventually."