[b][u]Axion Cruiser [/u][/b]
Python steps off the gunship, thanking the pilot for the ride. He pulls his pistol, seeing the destruction.
I walk up whistling "Missed a good bit of things, Python."
"I can tell."
"My goodness, was it enjoyable."
"Expect for the fact that we lost countless soldiers."
"Life's full of loss. Ever read the Four Noble Truths? Good read in my opinion."
"I don't have the time to read."
I chuckle "Our brave leader, eh? I'm gonna be repairing my ship with Sheyen."
"Alright." Python walks off.
[b]Joshua meets him while tending to soldiers.[/b] "A Genesis! Python! Where have you been?"
"On that planet down there. Damn shit hole."
"Well, while you were gone, we were attacked by Del Fino, and they had a few Dread with them as well. I'm not sure if they knew you were gone or not, but if they did, we need to keep a close eye on everyone."
He nods. "Alright. You seen Minerva?"
"Not yet. You're the first Genesis to arrive so far."
[i]Shit[/i] He shakes his head and looks around. "Del Fino?"
"We managed to clear them out, but we took heavy casualties, and the ship got beat up pretty bad because of what that Ciri chick pulled."
"I heard about that. Good move, but a reckless one." [spoiler]Afk for scool[/spoiler]
[spoiler]ok[/spoiler] "Well, I've got other stuff to attend to so see you around."
"Alright." Python walks off.
*logan looks at you rubbing his head with Rex sitting beside him with some bandages on him*
Python walks up to Logan and offers a handshake. "I'm Python."
*he shakes his hand* Logan. [spoiler]same Logan with different memories if that makes any sense [/spoiler]
[spoiler]K[/spoiler] "How long you been on the ship?"
Bout a day....
He nods. "Alright. Welcome to the team, Logan." He walks off.