You go away.
Oh... and F your invisible friend
You are just another fanatic trying to convince people that you are right in your subitle passive agressive way. Just like all of you. Go find like minded people don't recruite here. WE DON'T CARE.
No, you. (Seriously. I don't play video games in your church, don't play church in my video game.)
By all means, if you are something special and made Destiny or something, let me know. If not, don't call it your game.
Wow, what a witless retort. Obviously I'm claiming the game as "mine" because I play it. Just as you might refer to the church you attend as "your" church.
No, it's the Lord's house.
Pretty weak if the best you can do is try to derail the conversation by deliberately obfuscating an irrelevant point which I'm sure that, if it wasn't clear to you initially, is clear to you now.