Which is totally why the kill feed says he committed suicide...
What is your argument? It would have said the guy with the sword killed him if it was deflected. Play the video on .25 speed and keep pausing it around 9 sec. Then go in game and test it yourself.
lol youre so wrong as i was doing this with a friend all last night in rumble, good try though
I already know you're lying.. get muted.
Edited by Antichr1s: 10/13/2015 11:43:30 PMyeah mute the truth and keep getting rekt you nub. Killed myself the other day doing it! Shoot yyour sleeper around and you will too. play the game or shut up scrub.... you prolly dont even have the gun.
Edited by Mr Genessis: 10/13/2015 4:45:36 PMThe sword did deflect the shot and kill him, it wouldn't count as the guy with the sword killing him because it is not his gun shot. It was the person with the sleeper shot killing himself.
The sword didnt deflect it. at all.. get muted.
There's no logic behind your reasoning! Muted as well
LMAO look at you..... delusional af