I have had knives since I was 5 and a 410, 20, and me and my dad shared a .22 pistol, while I'm not a school shooting suspect I had the blades to go on a spree there's more to it then just letting then have weapons its raising the children right and to teach them how this life works and nothing can be solved by anger and violence. Funny to say that seeing as I have anger problems but I don't have violence problems there's a difference the closest I have been was when I guy threatened to come kick my ass at my house cause i wouldnt call off me and my wife's wedding so he could date herand I loaded my Mosin with one round had it chambered and sat in my drive way (bout a half mile long) and waited for him to show I was going to knock the engine out of his pretty truck and dare him to step on my land it was a bluff but I would still bet till this day he would have ran home
Not gonna like that was a cool story, props to u