[b]"Took out the hangar, and the Dread, then went off to find the rest of the merry group that was holding up in the Bridge
Took a round to the knee on the way there"[/b]
"Happens to the best of us. You staying with the team, then?"
[b]"I guess so Have nothing else to do really"[/b]
He nods. "Cool, I hope we can be friends after Thorisis." Python extends his huge hand for a handshake.
[b]"Meh, theryll always be bad blood between us"[/b] [i]She shakes it[/i]
"Better than gunfire."
[b]"True"[/b] [i]She flinches, as the man runs a device over the wound, and it begins healing[/i]
He looks over at the man working on her, then back. "I'll let you heal up. Welcome to fireteam Axion." He walks off.
[i]She nods, as she klays down on the bed[/i]